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10 Smart Ways To Prepare For Exams Related To Government Jobs in India

Aug 14, 2019 | Students

Do you aspire to have a job that pays well, has a lot of perks that insure and protect you and your family, gives you a different stature and respect in society and provides a high level of job security? Then it is a government job you are aspiring for. Government jobs are becoming increasingly popular these says, especially with the upcoming generation.

Thousands of students prepare themselves for the exams each year. However, the problem is that there are very few governmentseats and the applicants are overwhelming in number. Brilliant students get rejected due to fierce competition. It is notimpossible to crack the exam and land yourself with a lucrative paying job. All you need to do is follow a set of guidelines and keep your head strong. The trick is to outlast and outshine and this article is here to help.

Follow these 10 tips to have that edge over your competitors

Just being a brilliant student isn’t going to cut it when it comes to government jobs. You need to keep track of every current government vacancy, all the time. You need to be ahead of the thousands of candidates who apply every year. It might sound like its verging on improbable; but in reality, it is easily doable. Here are ten tips you should follow diligently in order to get yourself a dignified govt job:

  1. Plan and strategyPreparing for a govt exam is pretty much like going to a war; you need to have a solid plan of action. A strategy will go a long way in helping you study effectively and secure good marks in the exam. You need to take time, figure out how you want to start studying, which subjects you want to focus on and how you plan on taking up the other subjects and turning them into your strong points as well. You need to have a good timetable to be able to cope with the pressure and that is why, it is important to know the syllabus and plan out how you will be dealing with the different subjects. Also, make sure you have a routine and stick to it.
  2. Take coaching classes – it is a good thing if you are motivated enough to go the distance alone. It is quite inspiring. However, it is far from reality. It really is possible to crack the jobs all by yourself if you are persistent enough. However, if you don’t want to take it all on yourself and want someone capable enough to guide you, then you need to start taking coaching classes. Make sure you approach a reputed tuition. Studying with others has its own perks as well.
  3. Mock tests – if you think just studying harder and better is going to get you above the others, you are mistaken. You need to assess yourself and the best thing to do is take mock tests during the weekend and check how well you can do in them.
  4. Diversify – it is a good idea to try and diversify your scope of studying and increase your field of knowledge. It actually increases your chances of getting selected over the others by a great margin.
  5. Don’t waste time – time is important, and there is a lot of ground to cover when it comes to government jobs. There is very little time to prepare everything and remember. So, make sure you don’t waste any more time than necessary. Procrastinating is something you have to avoid at all costs. Living by the ‘now or never’ is a great idea to keep yourself motivated and focused.
  6. Motivation – listening to motivational music and reminding yourself why you want the job is a great way of rejuvenating yourself with new energy when you want to quit. It basically acts like a pat on the back. So, make sure you stay focused on your goal and never forget why you started preparing for the exams in the first place.
  7. Update yourself – read the newspapers, magazines, articles and whatever you can get your hands on. General knowledge and information is put to the test in a government exam. So if you want that edge over the others, stay updated with the latest happenings all around you.
  8. Take breaks and sleep – don’t think that studying for 24 hours a day is going to help. Our brain can process only so much. Don’t forget to catch up on enough sleep. Take breaks between study sessions to keep yourself from zoning out.
  9. Work out – a healthy body equals a healthy mind – if you are not feeling good, you will never be able to focus. Be it jogging, running, doing yoga, meditation or hitting the gym – do whatever helps.
  10. Don’t quit – the pressure is tremendous but that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible to ace the exam. Remind yourself that a lot of candidates do it every year and you are no different. Make sure you don’t quit, no matter how many times you fail.

These are the top 10 tips that you need to remember and follow diligently. It will help you prepare better and keep your body and mind healthy at the same time. So, check all current govt vacancy and apply whichever fits you best.