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7 Ways To Make Friends While Studying Abroad

Sep 13, 2016 | Students

You have decided to take some classes abroad. This is an exciting period for anyone. Staying in a country with a different culture is both liberating and scary. We all envision a wonderful experience and being surrounded by amazing new friends. Ah ha, what do you do when you set foot on foreign ground and friends aren’t welcoming you at the airport? Your going abroad essay was filled with the good times you will be having. Well you would need to start making some new friends and fulfil your vision of this perfect experience. We’ll give you a guide to making friends without sacrificing your safety.

  1. Make friends with your classmates

This is probably the safest place to start making friends. Usually this is also the easiest place to find some friends who are also intellectually compatible with you. Perhaps your lab partner or just the person sitting next to you in class could be your next friend.. Do not be too overwhelmed by the clicks already in existence.  Test the waters with a few groups or individuals and see how they treat you. Sometimes being stuck in a class with a lot of people can be annoying, or perhaps you meet some wonderful friends.


  1. Go explore

Once you find a friend who knows the city well, go out and see the town. You cannot be stuck inside the entire time you are in a foreign country. Every new place has much to offer. Find out where the locals hang out. Go there and make some new friends. Before you know it, you’ll have a few buddies you randomly met at an art gallery or club.


  1. Find an extramural club or group

I am not talking about a knitting club or something you are not interested in. If you are a fitness guru, find a group of people who perhaps do Yoga on a Sunday morning at 5am. If you love to read, join the local book club.


  1. Your roommates

This could not be easier. If you are living on campus, you would have no choice but to interact with your room mates. It would be in every ones best interest if roommates actually like each other. Try and befriend your roommates and ask some questions about the country you’re in. Show them your interest in their culture but don’t ask too much and be that annoying girl from another country. Perhaps read your motivation letter study abroad to them so to express the reasons you are on foreign land.


  1. Have random conversations in good locations

Now do not go chatting up strangers in a bar or on the sidewalk. Perhaps take a trip to the museum or art gallery and ask people about some great hang out places in the city. Try not to expose the fact that you are hungry for friendship. Sometimes you can meet some terrible people even if the place is great. If you feel comfortable in the conversation, pursue it, if not, slowly walk away.


  1. Social Media

Only use social media for inviting people you already know of. Perhaps you got a Facebook friend request by the cute guy in front of your class. Then I say, accept that request. If you receive a request from some person you have never seen or heard of, even if they are local, do not accept. Perhaps send them a private message and make a connection that way. Be careful on social media as there are a lot of crazy people out there. In this day and age though, it might also be the perfect place to find new friends.


  1. Participate in a sport

Sure your university has lots of sport activities. You should join one of these sport clubs and be part of the team. How awesome is this. By entering into these clubs, you automatically get to know a few people at the same time. Being part of a group is important as a foreigner and it will make you feel a part of something.


Do not let the fear of making friends in another country stop you from exploring the world. Studying abroad is one of the most amazing experiences of your life. You should allow yourself the opportunity to make amazing memories and meet some really awesome new friends.



Betty Manzo is a content writer at . Writing is also her hobby and her life credo is “You can make anything by writing”. Betty dreams of becoming a well-known writer as her cult-hero John Green.

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7 Ways To Make Friends While Studying Abroad