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Effective Ways Of Motivating Kids To Do Better In School

Feb 16, 2018 | Parents, Special Posts, Students

Life is not always easy. While adults and parents face a lot of new challenges each day, kids often believe that going to school on a daily basis is the most difficult thing in the world. It means that parents need to find effective ways of motivating their kids to go to school each day, learn something new and enjoy being there. Everyone knows the importance of education in today’s society. It allows people to become more well-rounded individuals, get better jobs in life, develop their knowledge and skills and improve the quality of life as a nation. However, kids are not always aware of the fact that education plays such an important role in their future.

Figuring out a solution to help unmotivated kids to do their homework or focus on their project is not an easy task. In most cases, pupils are not able to connect with the methods that their teachers are utilizing in the classroom. Therefore, parents need to stop blaming children for not having the best grades. As a parent, once you find your kid’s learning sweet spot, the success is guaranteed. The following tips might come in handy for parents who are looking for ways of motivating their kids.

Maintain a Positive Relationship

Parents who want to be effective are advised to keep a positive and open relationship with their kids. This aspect allows parents to be influential with them, which is a truly vital parenting tool. Punishing and manipulating are not effective ways of motivating kids. They will only lead to destroying your relationship with your child. Feeling anxious or frustrated are normal feelings. However, kids should never feel that their parents are having a hard time. It is good to keep in mind the fact that kids are not behaving in a certain way just to make their parent’s life a nightmare. Good parenting practices suggest that parents need to keep a positive attitude at all times when they are with their kids. As a result, kids learn how to be respectful and willing to improve.

Set Smaller Goals

Students usually tend to get overwhelmed by the great amount of information and homework that they need to do. Often kids need to focus on smaller steps to achieve a long-time goal. Thus, patience and determination are very important solutions for this problem. Even adults might feel overwhelmed or unable to attain success if they have a lot of tasks to complete in a short period of time. More and more people need to realize the benefits of taking things slowly and focusing on a single item at a time. This idea might work wonders even for kids who seem unmotivated to do their homework. Instead of telling students that they need to study for hours on end, it would be good to break an assignment down and create several tasks. Tasks are usually more fun and easy to complete.

Find Learning Alternatives

Even though traditional learning that uses books and notebooks is still effective these days, not every child finds enough motivation to do the same thing each day. If you take into consideration the development of technology and other sources of learning, it would be a shame to keep kids away from such amazing learning opportunities. Reading books and atlases is one of the most common ways of finding interesting facts about different subjects. However, studies show that kids are more likely to concentrate on new information while watching a documentary. Traveling or taking studies outdoors are also very effective ways of motivating kids and getting them interested in different school subjects. Last but not least, preparation courses for different exams are usually fun and engaging. Parents can find more information on

Strengthen Their Self-Confidence

Both parents and teachers know the importance of feedback. It allows students to become more effective while learning from their mistakes. Although even negative feedback plays an important role in their education, it can often lead to a negative atmosphere due to its powerful nature. That does not mean that kids should not receive negative feedback. In order to make negative feedback more effective, it is important to cushion negative comments and always encourage development. Students need to be encouraged to be able to find motivation. However, too much praise can have negative impacts in some cases. Therefore, it is important to find a balance between the two. Students can become more interested in school if they are aware of their skills but know which areas need to perfect.

Acknowledge Success

Success should never go unnoticed. The academic life of a student can benefit a lot from some praise. When they get a good grade on a test, parents need to acknowledge and point out the extra effort that kids put in. Even 10-15 more minutes spent studying can improve the overall knowledge of a student. Consequently, they need to be aware of this fact. Material rewards such as candy or ice-cream can also help kids find motivation. However, you should only use these when they do extra well on something. Otherwise, they might get used to that habit. Money or other kinds of expensive incentives are a definite no in this case. The most effective solutions are usually simple and convenient for everyone.

Be Supportive

As the last point, it is good to mention the benefits of showing students that they are appreciated no matter what. Parents and teachers alike need to show students that they are valued and that their opinions matter. Teachers need to make sure that they are helpful to their students and show patience when they seem stuck. Students who realize that they can communicate with their teachers are more likely to participate in class and express their opinions. Lastly, a level of equal support should be present in all educational environments.

Without a doubt, education plays a vital role in the process of learning. Motivation is an important requirement as a part of student achievement. These simple tips might be beneficial when it comes to motivating kids to do better in school.


February 16, 2018