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How to Win Top Positions

Apr 12, 2017 | Students

Most students spend the majority of their career-hunting time with the hottest smartphone app or website. But we’ve seemed to forgotten that showmanship – through resume development and interview mastery – is a crucial component to the process. In particular, and after months of preparing for the FE practice exam, our student’s agonize over the shift from developing technical mastery to honing their soft skills.


To give our students an edge above other candidates, we leveraged the research The Ladders, Career Builder, and The Muse, to gain actionable information from hiring managers. Hiring managers help us avoid the survivorship bias problem by considering those that didn’t win the positions as well.


Here is a graphic that summarizes the advice of 5200 hiring managers, gathered from surveys, and studies with CV screening applications and eye tracking software. Do enjoy, but most of all, do put the information to good use.


This is a guest post by Mike Grossman, a Professional Engineer who helps Engineers in North America prepare for professional careers. He is the founder of PPE Headquarters and passionate about marketing, traveling, and self-development.

We welcome your feedback to our work.

Email:  General Information   |   Prof. David C. Pecoraro

Thank you!

Daniel & David

How to Win Top Positions