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The Degreed Nurse

Jul 19, 2016 | Special Posts

“Please stand if you went to college,” and the auditorium rises. “Now, remain standing if you’re working in your major course of study,” and the auditorium promptly sits. All but for a peppering of bright-eyed citizens: our lawyers; our doctors; our policemen, and our nurses. Our nurses: those selfless souls, who collect all the ragged masses, and discerning doctors cheek-by-jowl within a familial fold. Our nurses: who salve all our wounds and pride. Our nurses: the calm before the clinical storm.


For those of us with degrees in “Art History” and “Pangea’s Carniferous Flora”, who are now working as Salesmen and “Freelancers” – we envy our more decisive fellow students following their educational paths into the real world. Upon stepping into the medical arena, the undergrad who decides to be a Nurse has tremendous opportunity waiting for them, down multitudinous career paths.


A degreed Nurse has opportunities to work in a variety of medical settings:

  • Hospitals
  • Medical clinics
  • Urgent care centers
  • Dr’s office (private practice)
  • Nursing home
  • Assisted living
  • Home healthcare

A degreed Nurse has opportunities to progress into a variety of medical positions:

  • Registered Nurse
  • Ambulatory Nurse
  • Pediatric Nurse
  • ER Nurse
  • NICU Nurse
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • APRN
  • Nurse Anesthetist

Bachelor’s degreed Registered Nurses typically earn at least $5,000 more annually than professionals with only an Associate’s degree. As the degreed Nurse’s career progresses, annual earnings between $50,000 to over $70,000 may be expected. There is an ever-growing demand for specialized healthcare, and with it, an associated imploration for specialist RN’s.


With american medical practices and hospitals sharply understaffed with degreed nurses, more and more states are adopting regulations to provide our medical facilities adequate nursing numbers. According to the American Nurses Association, understaffed U.S. hospitals are recognizing a higher rate of wellness with properly staffed facilities. The Association cites “numerous studies (revealing) an association between higher levels of experienced RN staffing and lower rates of adverse patient outcomes“. This means more nationwide job opportunities for the degreed Nurse.


To become a degreed Nurse, proper schooling can be attained at top universities across the U.S. Nurses who master complex medical procedures, taught in four year Bachelor’s of Science programs – arm themselves with the sort of tools that top hospitals and practices are paying for. The tidings that accompany a BS in a Nursing program span the riches of financial independence – to selfless, civic care for those in need of help. Our esteemed nurses are praised and adored. The rest of us? Well, I’m currently open to assignment if it involves freelancing on theoretical paleozoic roughage.


cna-classes-logo-F was built by career counselors with input from nurses, teachers and schools. Healthcare terminology, specifically in nursing, can be confusing and it’s our job to explain your options as clearly as possible. We strive to provide the best nursing information on the web and to help you find a program that is right for your specific lifestyle.

We’re also very proud of our nursing resource center as our resident RN expert, Andrea Reale, writes about her life as a nurse. Andrea has a BSN and 5 years of nursing experience.

BONUS:  Checkout their nursing career ladder to learn more about the different types of nursing:


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Email:  General Information   |   Prof. David C. Pecoraro

Thank you!

Daniel & David


The Degreed Nurse


Published:  July 19, 2016