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Why Gift Certificates Make the Perfect Reward System for Students

Jun 25, 2019 | Special Posts, Students

Count the Google searches for “reward chart”, “chore chart” and “sticker chart” and they amount to a combined one million results. Amazon has 1,300 product results for these searches too. Clearly, parents and teachers are using rewards to motivate students.

Research has proven and classrooms agree, that a reward system for students implemented the right way can be an effective tool in getting students to strive. Here’s why gift certificates make the perfect reward system.

Extrinsic Reward System for Students

There is some debate in schools, with parents and academically about the relative benefits of reward systems. Extrinsic rewards are visible rewards, perhaps in the form of money or a prize given for achieving something.

Intrinsic rewards are ones that come from within the student. These include a sense of satisfaction for a job well done and the thrill of winning a competition. Recognition and approval may be the only external rewards given.

The debate is about which of these two approaches works best. A controversial study in 1971 concluded that extrinsic rewards could undermine intrinsic rewards. A later study contradicting this but was then found to have used a flawed methodology.

The controversy rages on but what seems to be clear is that both systems of reward work to some extent. It’s about having a blend of reward and nudging strategies. There are some good practice principles you should apply.

Gift Certificates

Gift certificates are an excellent tool in your reward strategy. A gift certificate can incorporate some aspects of both extrinsic and intrinsic reward approaches making them more effective than straight cash rewards. They have more impact than a simple “well done”.

By gift certificate, we mean a token with a set value that can be used instead of money to buy goods or services. They are usually specific to a particular retailer or for a particular product or service. The gift certificate can be given as a reward for a student’s achievement whatever their educational pathway.

Make It Specific

Giving a gift certificate or any extrinsic reward works best when it’s clear and specific about what the reward is for. Achieving an academic result might be a simple example but some rewards can be more nebulous.

When rewarding students, it’s important to be precise about what that reward is for. If the aim is to encourage more, the student needs to know what to repeat. It’s also important not to get locked into providing an ongoing reward.

Platform for Success

Create a platform for good results to continue with an extrinsic reward is fine but support continued good work with praise, recognition and other challenges. Without these, you should not be surprised if performance ceases to be good when the extrinsic reward ceases. Rewards should be about encouraging students to make the most of their time.

Custom Gift Certificate Cards

Making a custom gift certificate card is one way of making the reason for the reward clear. Write an explanation of the reason in the custom card and use your knowledge of the student to encourage good performance in the future. Even the best gift certificate maker app benefits from your creative input.

It’s Not About the Prize

A gift certificate is not a flamboyant reward system for students. It’s one step removed from cash so is a little less mercenary. It’s important to take attention away from the prize and instead turn attention on to the achievement and recognition of the achievement.

Read our blog for more ways to help students be successful.

June 25, 2019