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8 Key Tips for Choosing the Best School for Your Child

Jul 22, 2019 | Parents

When you become a parent, it becomes second nature to worry. Top on that list of worries is the quality of education your child has. And with the plethora of schooling options out there, that worry can feel overwhelming.

But while over half of parents feel test scores show the true quality of the school, there’s more that goes into it. Factors such as the environment and study focus matter as well.

To help you see the full picture, let’s look at 8 key tips for choosing the best school for your child.

  1. Focus on the Studies That Matter

Some schools offer a wide array of general studies. Others focus on curriculum in the arts or religion. When deciding on a school, determine what study focus you want for your child.

Maybe you want them to learn a foreign language. Or having an education based on technology is what’s important. No matter what it is, look for a school that offers courses in the subject matter and teaching approach that centers around your chosen focus.

If extracurricular activities are high on the want list, check out what each school offers. Look for quality programs in the sports or clubs your child wants to join.

  1. Find the Best Learning Environment

When choosing the best school for your child, you want it to be challenging enough. But you also don’t want it to be too demanding. You need a learning environment that will best nurture their interests now and down the road.

If your child is struggling, does the school offer support classes that get them back on track? Or are there available advanced classes if your child needs more of a challenge?

Other factors that affect this is the quality of the teachers, available learning resources, and classroom size/environment.

Whether you want a traditional approach or prefer a progressive education, learn more about each school’s environment to choose the one that best fits your child.

  1. Look at Test Scores

While test scores aren’t the only thing you should base your decision on, it’s still an important piece of the puzzle. It gives insight on how students are performing academically. Plus, it shows how the school compares to others in the area.

Along with test scores, it’s also a good idea to look at a school’s rating. Rating’s not only include test scores, but can tell you things such as college readiness, student-teacher ratio, and tuition value.

If your children are entering high school soon, look at the graduate success ratings in college or professional fields.

  1. Decide What You Can Afford

While traditional schools are easier on the pocketbook, private or specialized schools can get pricey. It’s best to weigh out all your options and take a long hard look at your budget before deciding.

Make sure to find out if the school offers financial aid. Know how much tuition is, including all extra fees for things like extracurricular activities and lunches.

It’s also important to consider things such as your commute and childcare. Many times private schools are outside your neighborhood, so you need to factor in the extra drive and if your child will need a babysitter after school.

  1. Visit Each School

A school may look good on paper but could give a completely different picture in person. That’s why it’s always important to visit each school before choosing the best one for your child.

Look for things like student art displayed on the walls, classroom environments, and teacher/student interactions. Observing what the school values and the environment your child would be involved in will give you a more personal picture.

If you’re really interested in the school, visit more than once and at different times. Take in a sporting event or go to a science fair. Seeing the school from different angles will let you know if it’s a good fit for your child.

  1. Ask Questions

While you’re at the school, make time to talk to the principal, the teachers, and the staff. Use this opportunity to ask all the questions you may have. Going in with a list will make sure you don’t forget anything you might be wondering about.

Find out what the expectations are, not only for your child but for parent involvement as well. Learn how the faculty relates to the students. And ask how they keep the lines of communication open between the students and the parents.

Don’t feel intimidated to ask whatever question you might have. You’re interviewing them as much as they would be interviewing you. Making sure you pick the best school for your child is the most important thing, so find out everything you need to know to make the right decision.

  1. Talk to Current Students and Parents

It’s one thing to hear from the staff, but it’s another to hear from the students and parents who currently deal with the school on a daily basis. Talking to them will get a different first-hand perspective.

Ask them what their thoughts on the school are. Are they happy with the environment? And just as important, are their children happy with the school as well?

Don’t only find out what they like, ask what they don’t like about the school. Look to see if there are any consistent complaints. If there are, determine if it’s something you can live with or if the complaints are a deal-breaker.

  1. Attend a PTA Meeting

Another way to get a fresh perspective on a potential school is to attend a PTA meeting. These meetings are not only open to parents but usually open to the general public as well.

A PTA meeting can help you learn about current and upcoming events at the school. You’ll be able to see how the staff and parents interact. Plus, you can see how much parent involvement takes place.

It’s also a good way to get names and phone numbers of other parents. Those can come in handy when deciding which school to choose.

Do Your Homework When Choosing the Best School for Your Child

To help your child get the most from their education, you first need to do your homework. By using these tips, choosing the best school will give them the boost they need for a successful future.

Looking to learn more about getting your child the best education? Check out the other articles in our Parents section!


July 22, 2019