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How STEM Education Can Help Preserve the Environment

Apr 13, 2018 | Parents, Professors, Students

By: H. Davis

When you hear the phrase “STEM education,” the first discipline that should come to mind is environmental education. Why? Well, because environmental education is what connects us to the world we live in by teaching us about natural and constructed environments. As a result, students and teachers alike develop a deeper understanding of environmental issues and learn about different ways to address these problems head-on. In order to successfully do this, however, educators must continue to provide proper resources to everyone involved. Protecting the environment isn’t just vital to our well-being, it’s also vital to other species that call Earth home as well.


Seymour Papert once noted that “The role of teachers is to create the conditions for invention rather than provide ready-made knowledge.” This means that education has the power to not only modify our society but to present us with better knowledge of the environment as well. In other words, education can be viewed as the only solution to many of the world’s environmental issues today. This means that education really does play a major role in saving the Earth and protecting the environment.


In order to preserve the environment, however, we must first work on improving ourselves by implementing certain changes in our day-to-day lives. So how can environmental education help? Here’s how:


STEM Education Encourages Students to Appreciate the Environment: If students don’t care about the environment, chances are it will get polluted with chemicals, toxins, and other harmful substances. In fact, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency noted, that outdoor air pollution was found to be associated with a number of negative health effects, including heart attacks, asthma, bronchitis, and most importantly, premature mortality. Other conditions include allergies, colds, and constant sneezing. Education is important since it teaches individuals signs to look for.


Remember, education has the power to enhance environmental appreciation amongst individuals of all ages — especially since enhancing appreciation among students can give rise to better (environmental) behavioral traits and teach them how recycling impacts the entire planet in the long run. So why not use it? Education on environmental issues are just as important today as it was decades ago, even with modern-day technology. After all, environmental education allows students to build problem-solving skills and helps them take steps individually and collectively towards maintaining and enhancing the environment.


STEM Education Promotes a Universal Approach: Most of the environmental problems today are man-made and stem from things like improper disposal of harmful substances and of course, fossil fuel emissions. This problem, however, can’t resolve itself and requires everyone to get involved, which is where education comes into play. Education on saving the environment and participating in programs designed to preserve the environment are great ways to help acknowledge and cure the problem — universally.


For one, it educates people on how to make sustainable and good use of certain resources without putting the environment in any more danger. It also minimizes carbon footprints — a measurement that monitors how daily activities can impact the environment. Your eating habits, transportation sources, and energy consumption influence how much carbon you release, also known as your carbon footprint.


Effective programs conducted near schools or community centers all have the ability to teach students, and parents alike how they can carry environmental education in their home. Nature appreciation isn’t something that should fall on the shoulders of just one individual; it’s something that the entire community should get involved in.


STEM Education Increases Knowledgeable Communities: There are countless environmental issues going on around the world today that stems from air pollution, light pollution, and water pollution. This is not to mention the unexpected climate change, and water pathogens that could result in giardia – the most frequently diagnosed intestinal parasitic disease in the United States.These are a few associated problems that could stem from lack of knowledge when it comes to the environment.


Luckily, education in this area can help. How? Well, education plays a pivotal role in building a better society for everyone. One that’s knowledgeable about their surroundings, and one that implements environmental changes in their daily lives; meaning that environmental education teaches students, and community members alike not only about the problem but the solutions as well. It also teaches community members how to stay motivated when taking proper action towards saving the planet.


Making a real investment in environmental education will become more important than ever. Why? The answer’s simple: technology. As technology continues to grow, it also reduces our understanding of the environment, which could lead to major issues down the line. Fortunately, education can be used for self-empowerment because it allows us to take action seriously and effectively before it’s too late.


In the end, there are a number of ways you can practice becoming more sustainable to preserve life here on earth. Like most creatures that walk the planet, we’re set in our ways. However, by changing our behavior and taking small steps each day to better the environment, we can make a difference individually and collectively. Small steps are key, and once you discover and rhythm and see how easy it is, you’ll be surprised how quickly you can make a difference. After all, it’s going to take help from everyone to get a clearer skies, cleaner water, and cleaner soil in order for us to continue living on this land, so don’t be afraid to make a real investment and protect the Earth.


Davis is a writer who is passionate about K-12 education and loves exploring various ways to make learning a fun experience for everyone. If you can’t catch him online, you might be able to spot him out and about reading up on world news. Follow him on Twitter at @Davis241. Thanks!