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What to Consider Before Joining College Extracurriculars

Oct 17, 2018 | Students

If you’re pondering joining a club, organization, or any extracurricular activity in college, you should do it!


You’ll make friends. You’ll have fun. You’ll be exposed to opportunities you wouldn’t normally get. You’ll discover new passions. Plus, participating in things other than classes is an important part of the college experience and possibly finding work after graduation.


But there are caveats. Money and time are two. Jumping into anything outside of the classroom is a commitment not everyone wants to shoulder. So before you devote your extra time to other activities, figure out if you can balance it all with these considerations first:


Your Schedule

Time is precious when you’re in college. While most of your time will be spent learning how to manage your college studies in order to get good grades, you’re probably looking beyond academics because you still want to have a social life, participate in campus clubs and organizations, and maybe even get a part-time job.


Figuring out how to juggle it all is the challenge. Once you dial in your time management skills while staying sane, you’ll be better prepared after graduation. A few tips to keep in mind:


  • Don’t take on too much.
  • Prioritize what’s important to you.
  • Organize your life by making daily lists and sticking to a schedule.
  • Don’t procrastinate.
  • Ask for help if you need it.
  • Say “no” if need be.
  • Set goals.


Everyone struggles with time management at various times throughout life. The best approach is to have a system in place and make adjustments as needed. With 168 hours in a week, it’s helpful to plan out your week and month in a spreadsheet. It should include recurring classes, extracurriculars, study time, meetings, exercise, social outings, work, breaks, and some flexible time.


Your Goals

When setting goals, whether weekly or long term, make sure they are realistic and not too overwhelming. You can do this by using the SMART method, which states your plan:


  • Specific: Identify your goal in clear terms.
  • Measurable: Here’s the concrete proof. You should be able to track your progress.
  • Attainable: How can you achieve the goal while taking other factors into consideration?
  • Relevant: It’s worthwhile and aligns with your other goals.
  • Time-oriented: How long it will take to reach the goal.


Be prepared to have a back-up plan in case a goal can’t be achieved as you thought it could. Life happens and sometimes we have to readjust our plans. Setting a goal and reaching it takes hard work and dedication, so don’t forget to celebrate your achievements along the way.


Your Money

As you know, college isn’t cheap. You probably budgeted for tuition, books, room and board, and a meal plan, but a lot of costs get overlooked. For example, many club memberships have fees just to participate.


If you want to be a part of Greek life, as many students do, be prepared to pay dues every year. You’ll need to know what you’re personally responsible for and get creative with the rest. Many sororities and fraternities hold fundraisers to keep member fees down. Most chapters offer scholarships to their members as well. Also keep in mind that in some cases, living in a Greek house can be cheaper than living in a dorm.


Experiences out of the classroom are an integral part of college life for a lot of students, but joining any clubs or intramural sports cost money for equipment and clothing, etc. You’ll have to weigh the costs versus the benefits for you.


You may have to ask yourself if the clubs and extracurriculars are worth it for you and if they align with your schedule and goals. If money and time are tight, something will have to give.

At the same time you may make amazing friends and create lasting memories. So, why not go for it?

October 17, 2018