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How College Students Can Afford to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Oct 8, 2019 | Parents, Professors, Students

Image Source: Pexels

Humans have never been more aware of healthy living than they are in the modern era. And yet, managing to live a healthy lifestyle remains as challenging as ever. This is especially true when you’re heading off to college and your finances are as strung out as possible. If you’re feeling caught between financial responsibilities and a desire to make healthy life choices while you’re away at college, here are a few tips and tricks to help rectify the situation.

Set a Personalized Budget

Just half of those under the age of 22 actually have a budget. But a budget is a crucial part of your college years. It helps you establish good financial habits, can help direct your educational decisions, and can allow you to finish your academic career in as healthy a financial position as possible.


Even if you already have a budget, it’s important to make sure that you personalize it for your college experience. For instance, this is the only time in life that you’ll be pouring tens of thousands of dollars into something that you can’t tangibly live off of in the short-term. That has a major effect on your spending power. Make sure to create a budget that accurately shows you your income and expenses while taking into account your own unique financial concerns and values.

Adopt Minimalism

Minimalism is a popular lifestyle at the moment, and with good reason. The minimalist message isn’t just about having less stuff, it’s about embracing the life-changing attitude that “less is more.

Minimalist living frees you up to experience the moment, enhance your personal relationships, and have more financial flexibility. It’s also healthy for your mental well-being. When it comes to living a healthy, affordable life while in college, minimalism fits the bill better than most ways of life.

Look for Alternative Ways to Workout

It’s tempting to see the gym as your only option to work out. However, there are plenty of other ways to get some cardiovascular exercise without having to pay for a gym membership.

Look up workout videos online, go for runs and walks in the great outdoors, take the stairs whenever possible, and purchase a set of dumbbells. In other words, get creative with your workout regimen! If you’re a full time student, check to see if your campus rec center is free for student use. You’ll get all the benefits of a gym membership for the tuition you’re already paying.

Don’t Eat Out

College life is busy, and it’s easy to excuse away countless trips to your local Core Life or Chipotle. But the truth is that eating out is extremely expensive. Buying your own groceries allows you to look for discounts, use coupons, and buy in bulk. It also allows you to purchase affordable, healthy produce and cheaper meats … when you can afford them.

Shopping online can help you to save money, too. Amazon Prime has two-day free shipping and there are other health-focused online choices like Thrive Market, as well (and is offered at a discounted rate for students!). If you have a meal plan on campus, be sure to use it to its full worth.

Stick to Your Shopping Lists

While in college, it’s easy to ignore tracking your spending. After all, you have so many other things to worry about. But if you’re looking for ways to keep your spending in check, it’s always worth taking the time to create a shopping list.

Whether you use an app on your phone, text the list to yourself, or use a good, old-fashioned pen and piece of paper, making a list and sticking to it is an important way to avoid spending extra money on unneeded items.

Cook Your Own Food

Along with purchasing your own food, it’s a good idea to make your own meals, too. This will help you avoid spending extra money on pre-prepared meals that can cost as much as a trip to the local fast food joint. No matter which diet you cling to, meal prepping allows you to cook in bulk and then freeze extra meals and leftovers to heat up later at your convenience.

If you go the cook-it-yourself route, it’s wise to get used to making meal plans for both your main courses and your snacks. Also, don’t be afraid to experiment with recipes. In fact, it’s encouraged! Instead of seeing your culinary responsibilities as a chore, steer into the skid and have fun with it. You won’t regret the life skills that come along with the deal, either.

Cut Out Drinks

If you’re trying to live healthily, water is the way to go. Avoid alcohol, ditch sweet drinks, and stop the trips to the on-campus Starbucks for that latte each morning. A cheap pot of coffee in your dorm is fine if you really need a pick-me-up, but in general, avoiding all of the extra drinks is a great way to live healthier and keep your costs down.

Living an Affordably Healthy Lifestyle in College

Whatever your specific diet, it’s certainly possible to live an affordable and healthy lifestyle while you’re on campus. All it requires is a little forethought and some extra effort. Start by taking the time to create shopping lists and budgets. Then commit yourself to things like cooking your own meals and finding alternative ways to exercise. Activities like these will simultaneously save you money and help you keep up a health-conscious mindset as you pursue your higher education.