How College Students Can Afford to Live a Healthy Lifestyle
Humans have never been more aware of healthy living than they are in the modern era. And yet, managing to live a healthy lifestyle remains as challenging as ever.
Humans have never been more aware of healthy living than they are in the modern era. And yet, managing to live a healthy lifestyle remains as challenging as ever.
Have you dreamed about your first day of college or how you would decorate your dorm room for the last year? Many students feel that being away from home for school will be a smooth transition. However, the reality of being away from your family and friends for the first time can be more challenging than you expected. It may take some time to form new relationships, learn how to get around a new city, or get plugged-in on campus.
Working a job and attending school can each stand on their own as full-time occupations. However, from time to time, many college students find the two time-consuming activities overlap, and the results can be exasperating.
College graduation rates are dropping at schools across the nation. Among other factors, grad rates are affected by the rising cost of higher education and the necessity for students to have multiple jobs – which cut into their study time and cause them to see college as not worth the cost.