The Dilemma of a Fresh Degree Holder
Transitioning is a very significant phenomenon that can never be ruled out in any sphere of life. Just as a book is made up of different and unique chapters, so is life. The rate at which we succeed or fail in every chapter of life is highly contingent upon the preparedness of the individual as well as the variety and quantum of social support system available to the individual.
What does being a student look like in 2019? What to expect
Students have more or less maintained the same image over the decades. Coasting through their studies, wearing second-hand clothing and partying through the night are stereotypes that can still be seen in many colleges. However, that doesn’t mean that this image is relevant or accurate for all students, particularly in this era. It used to be that we inherited our parents’ family business or line of work, or progressed our way through a job until we reached a senior rank in management. Nowadays, however, people change career halfway through their life and become a student even in older age. With this in mind, what could be the realities of being a student in 2019?
A Quick Overview of Accessible Educational Tech to Make Teachers’ Lives Easier
Any teacher worth his salt will tell you that the ability to learn and teach any type of content is enhanced by tech resources, programs, apps, and tools.
Most modern students are online, mobile, and digital natives. So, it’s up to teachers to help these young men and women build knowledge and skills in a way that is familiar to them and convenient for everyone.