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8 Things Teaching Assistants Want You to Know

Teaching Assistants play a key role in most undergraduate students’ higher education experiences. More common in large state universities, yet still present in liberal arts colleges, teaching assistants are graduate students who either lead courses or supplement a professor’s lectures with smaller sections.

6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Winter Break

Your semesters keep you busy, which means some of the most important parts of your life can go neglected while you’re in school. Relationships, planning for the future, and sleep are just a few of the things that can go by the wayside during the school year, but the holiday break is the perfect time to catch up.

Work-Study & SES: Tips on School-Work-Life Balance

Pay close attention to the signs of emotional or physical stress, which can range from panic attacks, overt pressure, depression, issues with sleeping, or drinking to excess. You can help combat those in a number of ways, including checking in with any campus mental health professionals. You can also be sure to keep up with exercise habits, practicing positive self talk, keeping in contact with friends and loved ones, and being sure to prioritize things that will allow you to achieve highly, but not exhaust you permanently.

How to Become a Human Resource Manager

As a Human Resource (HR) manager, your role would be to ensure that the employees of the business that you work for are well looked after. You would be there to make sure that they receive proper compensation whenever they are wronged, that they are handed the benefits that they deserve, that their workspace is kept safe, that their records are kept up-to-date, and that your business’s hiring and firing process is done by the book.

Fractions, Formulas, and Equations: The Importance of Math

STEM subjects are incredibly important — our world depends on them. The country, our general well-being, and economy are all backed by science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. As you read this article, students are in their various math classes right now wondering when they’ll ever use these math concepts in real-life?