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Advice for Preparing for Your Law Exams

As one of the most competitive fields in theworld, ensuring that you get good grades in your law exams is essential. Not only are your exams an opportunity to demonstrably prove that you have understood the course material, butthey are also the chance to show that you have the right work ethic to succeed in your chosen career.

A Checklist: Preparing for Your First International Spring Break

Traveling internationally for the first time can be both exciting and overwhelming. You probably are already counting down the days to spring break.

As the day draws closer, the happy thoughts of taking a break from school and finally visiting one of your favorite destinations may be replaced with feelings of anxiety. The fear of getting critical things wrong and throwing your first international trip into disarray can be stressful.

How Non-Traditional College Students Can Find a Sense of Belonging

Society’s image of a college student is a high school graduate leaving their parent’s house and moving into a college dorm. They likely party on the weekends, form study groups, and make friends during their first day or two at college. While a lot of high school students do graduate high school and go on to pursue a degree, many others go on a different path.