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Don’t Let Academic Stress Take Away Your Health And Happiness!

Apr 7, 2021 | Parents, Professors, Special Posts, Students

Who said stress was restricted to adults alone? According to American Psychological Association, the level of stress in adults and children are quite the same.

  • American teens rated their stress level at 5.8 on a 10 point scale which is higher than the adults who rated it 3.8.


  • You will be surprised to know that 7 out of 10 children between the ages of 13-17 in the US suffer from anxiety.


What do the above facts denote? It implies that stress can affect health, happiness and even grades. And you don’t want that, right? So, how could you give the tough fight to tension and anxiety during your academic years? Curious to know? Then you have to read a little further!


But before that, here are some of the factors that might be causing stress to students!


Loaded with homework – Homework is one of the significant causes of pressure amongst children. According to research by Stanford University, nearly 55% of students think that homework is the main cause of stress. Students who find it challenging to complete their homework and assignments may then face embarrassment when they don’t have anything to show. This can become the cause of their poor grades which further leads to tension.


Concerns about upcoming college – In which college do you want to go? Having future concerns about college can put many kids under tension. For instance, passing the college entrance exams, filling out the application forms, and choosing the right college. This can create tension among students.


Poor sleeping habits – As a student, you have the responsibilities to finish the projects on time, doing homework, early classes and spending time with friends. In all these activities, you will often come across the times when you are not getting enough sleep. And this can be a major factor to your anxiety levels. Let us tell you an interesting fact here! Approximately a quarter of the younger children in the US suffer from sleep deprivation.


Are you the one who spends a lot of time on social media or texting and calling? Then you have to stop a little. Because spending too much time on social media platforms can be stressful for you. Therefore limit your time on these platforms.


Tougher academics – Every year, the academic demands are increasing. The studies are getting more challenging.


Here, the teachers can help the students in many ways. For instance, they can use attractive learning methods. It can be via video lectures. They can also use other fun and advanced learning methods to make learning interesting, thereby beating the stress of tougher academics. To know further, you can read more here. This will make it clear to you about effective learning methods.


Now that we have covered several reasons for stress, what are the possible solutions for managing it? Let us find out!


Exercise to relax – Do you actively participate in the sports activities of your school? If not, then you might be unaware of the fact that how it can help you. Doing any sport at least once a week is the biggest stress buster. It releases endorphins, which is also called “feel-good” chemicals.


According to WHO, 60 minutes of exercise every day can do wonders for you. But do you know how many percent of children meet this criteria in the US? Only 8%. Therefore take out a little time for exercise.


Have you heard about meditation? It is a powerful technique that is worth beating the tension. You just have to sit quietly for 10-15 minutes a day. Good breathing techniques also calm you down.


Get enough sleep – Sleep is very important, especially for the students, as it enhances your memory, concentration power and learning ability. But unfortunately, getting 6-8 hours of sleep every night in school is quite hard. As per the American Academy of Pediatrics, only 48% of school-going children get enough sleep in the US. Therefore, manage your time in such a way that you will be able to get enough sleep. If you are finding it hard, then go for the power naps in between the day. In this way, you can make it up for your lost sleep to some extent. So are you ready to recharge yourself through a powerful sleep?


Beat the tension with the passion – “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Putting yourself completely into the studies may make you dull. That is why many schools are coming up with extra-curricular activities. These activities provide a different stage for the children to showcase their talent. They feel relaxed and happy by indulging in their favourite activities. For example – Are you among those who love to portray things on the canvas? Then Art club is the right choice for you.


Do you love to play indoor games that help boost your brainpower? Then the chess club is there for you.


Likewise, there are many activities like photography club, martial arts, music, etc., that the schools provide. So, fuel your passion with these activities. After all, taking time-to-time breaks with the combination of these activities is actually a very good way to relax and rejuvenate.


Take help when needed – When you are feeling terrible or pressurised, you can always ask for guidance from the professional, both mentally as well as physically. Many educational institutions nowadays provide children with the facility to reach coaches and mentors to advise them regarding the pressure they are dealing with. They will surely tell you the ways to effectively manage the tensions. Hence, never feel shy to ask for help when you need it!


Get organized – Being a student puts a lot on your plate. Hence, be organized while fulfilling the commitments. Create important folders in your system. Keep the reminders of important dates for tests, projects or assignments. Keeping yourself organized is the major stress reliever.


Bottom line

You make a lot of memories in your school life. But at the same time you often get busy in it. Many times it takes a toll on your health and well-being.


The tips mentioned above are surely going to help you if you are looking to beat the anxiety and maintain a balance in your academics. So beat the stress and enjoy your academic life!

April 7, 2021