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Everything you Need to Know About Homeschooling

Nov 30, 2021 | Parents, Special Posts, Students

Homeschooling is the practice of educating your children at home instead of sending them to a traditional school setting. Homeschooling is legal in countries like the UK. Each family has their reasons to choose to homeschool their child. However, there are a few things you need to consider to ensure your child will get the appropriate education. If you are a parent considering homeschooling their child, this article will tell you everything you need to know about homeschooling.

Legal requirements of parents

The rules surrounding homeschooling are getting relaxed around the world but you should know the legal side of homeschooling in your locality. In the UK, you do not need a degree qualification to homeschool your child. Your home will also not be inspected to ascertain a conducive learning environment. You are also not obligated to teach the National Curriculum in your homeschool program. However, it would be best if you did so that your child can receive official qualifications at both the A level and GCSE level. If your child is already enrolled in a traditional school, you must write a letter of withdrawal explaining that you want to homeschool your child.

How to Plan a Curriculum for Homeschooling

Homeschooling is a different version of traditional schooling. Therefore, you must plan a syllabus that will guide you through teaching your children and helping them complete final exams. Ensure you teach the core subjects and combine subjects not considered grade-specific, such as literature and history. Alongside teaching the core subjects, place your child in an environment where they can discover their passions and talents. As a parent, you should capitalize on their specific skill sets and help them grow.

Creating a timetable for your homeschooled kids

If you decide to follow the National Curriculum, you need to ensure that your child clocks short hours each week. For instance, a primary school student requires at least twenty-five hours per week, while A-levels require six hours per subject each week. Pre-schoolers only need a maximum of two hours each day.

An added advantage of homeschooling is that you have complete control over your school calendar. Ensure you factor in multiple breaks so there is no tension during class time and your kids maintain concentration. Schedule mock exams to give your child a feel of the exam room and adhere to the given time limit.

You can even enroll your kid to British Online School tailored for homeschooled kids. Yes, you don’t have to do it all alone. You can always seek help from professionals to give your child the best education.

Necessary equipment for homeschooling

Ensure you provide all the supplies your child needs for each subject to help your child learn. The essential equipment includes both lined and ruled notebooks, pens, pencils and crayons, and a ring file to store their essential paperwork.

Look into each subject they are learning and provide the supplies they need. Keep their equipment neatly organized in easily accessible areas. You could also supply additional learning resources that don’t come straight from the exam board, provided their content remains relevant to the core subjects.

Final remarks

Homeschooled children can learn at their own pace and are taught according to their temperament. Homeschooling also enables you to personalize your flexible schedule and create your study hours. You should ensure you get it right, though if you are to make it a success!
Tuesday, November 30, 2021