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FAQ: How Women Can Thrive in a Communications Career

Aug 12, 2021 | Parents, Professors, Students



Communications, journalism, and PR are relatively common degrees for female college students, but young women might wonder how they can thrive in the field. After all, the continued rise of digital communications means this is a rapidly changing field with a ton of unknowns. Check out these answers to some of the questions you might have about diving into your communications career:


Q1: Do communications jobs still exist?


A1: Many people assume that journalism and communications are a thing of the past, but it’s still a thriving (albeit, changing) industry.


  • Learn which jobs in communications are best paying.
  • Freelancing can be a great way to break into the industry.
  • You can even start a communications business! To do that, budding entrepreneurs in California need to pick a name and register their business with the state.


Q2: What skills make for a successful communications career?


A2: Writing ability, creative thinking, and strong emotional intelligence are vital.


  • Make writing one of your daily habits.
  • You might be surprised to learn that boredom can spur creativity.
  • An underlying influence over your career is your emotional intelligence; consider further developing yours.


Q3: What barriers do women face in this field?


A3: Communication requires tenacity and a willingness to speak up. Women must overcome the societal pressure to stay quiet in order to thrive.



Q4: How should I handle gender discrimination in the workplace?


A3: While women have come a long way in the workforce, there is still a long way to go. If you experience discrimination, there are several steps you can take to address the issue:



Women can carve out a wonderful career for themselves in journalism, PR, and communications. Practice standing behind your ideas and projecting confidence in the workplace, and learn to recognize moments of opportunity. In doing so, you’ll unlock the path to a successful and fulfilling career.


Photo Credit: Pexels