Four Great Ways to Get to Know Your College Roommate

Apr 3, 2018 | Special Posts, Students

Going to college can be an exciting yet scary experience – least of all when you’re about to move into a room with somebody who has, up until now, been a complete stranger. Whilst many college students describe the years that they’ve spent studying as the best time of their life with some of the best people, everybody has to break the ice when they first arrive. Your dorm roommate is likely going to be one of the people that you’ll be spending the most time with during your first year of college and having a great friendship bond with them can make the experience even more enjoyable. Here are some great ideas for getting to know your college roommate.

#1. Use Social Media:

Today, getting to know your new roommate doesn’t have to wait until you arrive and move in. Thanks to social media, it’s easier than ever to find your future classmates and roommates and get to know them weeks before the big day. For example, you can find Facebook pages for your campus or student dorms and post questions to help you find the person you’re going to be sharing with once you arrive. Talking on social media can make it easier for you to get to know one another in a comfortable environment, helping to avoid any awkwardness once you move in.

#2. Plan Something Exciting:

For your first week or so as a freshman, it’ll all be about taking part in fun activities, settling in and getting to know the people around you before it’s time to get down to studying. So, use this time wisely to get to know your roommate and any others in your dorm. For example, you could plan a fun group activity at this Indianapolis Escape Room, where working as a team to solve mysteries and beat the ‘bad guys’ will certainly help you strengthen as a team and get to know one another better.

#3. Start a New TV Show Together:

There’s nothing quite like a mutual appreciation of a binge-worthy Netflix title when it comes to strengthening friendships! If there’s a new show that you’d like to start watching, why not wait until you move in and start it with your new roommate? Whether it’s House of Cards, Pretty Little Liars, Orange is the New Black or Santa Clarita Diet, watching it together also gives you something else in common to talk about.

#4. Exercise Together:

Lastly, don’t fall foul to college weight gain – with many freshmen piling on the pounds in their first year of college thanks to take-out and convenience food, getting down to the gym on a regular basis has never been more important. Ask your roommate if they’d like to be your new workout buddy – you can share your favorite workout routines with one another or even start a new fitness class together.

Meeting your college roommate for the first time can be daunting, but hopefully, the two of you will end up as firm friends!


April 3, 2018


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