Ways to use Artificial Intelligence in Education

Sep 7, 2018 | Professors, Special Posts, Students

It is obvious that we are living in a rapidly transforming world where technology-boom is changing lives and our perspective on how we see and do things. Artificial Intelligence is no longer just contained in science fiction films but is a reality that everyone adores. Though yet to become a standard at many levels, AI in the coming years is all set to bring technology waves in different sectors.

From intelligent camera sensors, that help us to capture perfect shots to highly talked concepts like self-driving cars and human-like robots, artificial intelligence of one kind of another is all around us, all the time.

However, one place where artificial intelligence is poised to bring rapid changes (and in some cases already is) is in education. From creating interactive content that is easy to understand to imparting education beyond the boundaries, AI has the capabilities to make the world a better place.

A study from eSchool News suggests that the use of AI in the education industry would grow by 47.5% through 2021 as we lean towards a more connected world. Moreover, there are many projects already lined up that use computer intelligence to help students and teachers get more out of the educational experience. With the expected growth of AI in education, here is a glimpse into some of the roles it will play in the future.

Automate Grading is a Real Thing

Grading homework, assignment writing or tests in schools and colleges can be a very grueling task, even when teachers split the work between them. Due to increasing world human population and increased competition, more and more students are coming out to get enrolled in schools and colleges (which is a good thing) which means more grading work for the educators.  For details information you can visit.

Educators are often seen arguing that grading takes up a significant amount of their time, time that can be used to interact with students to understand their study related problems. However, artificial intelligence could be the solution.

It is obvious that artificial intelligence cannot completely replace human-grading task, but it is getting pretty close. With AI advancement, it is now possible for teachers to automate grading for multiple choice and fill in the blank questions. Moreover, researches are well on their way towards getting bots to spontaneously grade written essays that will help educators to save a lot of their time and efforts. Automating the grading process allows teachers to focus more on in-class activities and student interaction.

Artificial Intelligence and Smart Content

Smart content is being introduced at all levels ranging from elementary to the post-secondary and consists of smart and interactive learning material like digitized guides and customizable digital learning interfaces for quick and practical learning.

Cram101 designed by Content Technologies, Inc.,- an artificial intelligence development company specializing in automation of business processes and intelligent instruction design – uses AI to breakdown textbook content into digestible, smart, and more interactive lessons. The study guide includes summaries of chapters, flashcards, multiple choice practice test, true and false questions, and all of this is designed to help students to learn and test their learn learning.

Other companies like Netex Learningare investing time and resources in creating smart digital content platforms that include content delivery, exercises, and real-time feedback and assessment. Netex allows educators to design digital curriculum and content over devices, incorporating media like audio, video, and self or Online-instructor assessment.

Nextex has also designed a personalized learning cloud platform for a modern workplace environment where employees can design customizable learning systems with apps, simulations, virtual courses, self-assessments, video conferencing, and various other tools. Virtual content such as digital lectures and video conferences are also a reality now, and all this is possible because of AI.

AI can Pin-Point the Place where Course need to Improve 

Teachers might not always be able to identify gaps in their educational material or lectures but AI can. Educational material could sometime confuse students, but artificial intelligence has solutions to this problem.

Coursera is an open online course provider that is making a change. When a large number of students are found to submit the wrong answer the system informs the teacher and gives later students a customized message that offers clues to the correct answer.

Such a system helps students get immediate feedback so that they can understand the concept quickly. Now rather than waiting to hear back from the professor who will be coming back after a week vacation you can get immediate feedbacks at any time. Convenient right?

Virtual Facilitators as New Teachers

The idea to create virtual human facilitators for use in an educational environment is another promising AI advancement. While no one seems eager to replace human educators with virtual facilitators, still the concept seems interesting.

A test to record the reaction of students when being taught by a virtual facilitator was staged at The Georgia Institute of Technology. A new teacher named Jill Watson (virtual facilitator) fascinated students by quickly and accurately answering their questions. The best part of the experiment was students not being able to identify that Ms. Watson’s was a computer equipped with an IBM-AI system.

In another example, The University of Southern California (USC) Institute for Creative Technologies is creating virtual environments that draw on AI, 3-D gaming, and computer animation to develop authentic virtual characters and realistic social interactions. USC researchers are working on a number of projects that can be highly useful in the educational domain

AI is Making Education a Lot more Interesting

AI is not only transforming the way we learn but is also making education a lot more interesting. Educators and AI can together create immersive content that will keep students hooked on to their class and help them understand all that is being taught.

AI can actually make education a lot more adaptive and natural. Moreover, ideas such as simulation and game technology can be used to encourage students to come together and develop knowledge themselves. This is something that we need so badly in this day and period of short attention span.

Changing Role of Teachers

As we have already discussed, AI can take over tasks like grading and helping students improve learning. So it obvious that the role of teachers in education will change. In most cases, AI will shift the role of the teacher to that of a facilitator.

Teacher’s role will be focused towards assisting students, supplementing AI lessons and providing human interaction to students who are struggling with their studies. It is surely not possible to completely replace teachers, because most of the students won’t feel comfortable getting taught by a robot that can only teach them lessons when a teacher can teach both lessons and life-lessons.

However, technology is already driving some of these changes in the classroom, especially in schools that are online or embrace the flipped classroom model.

AI may Change Where and what Students Learn

AI has the potential to change everything about education if not now then maybe a decade later. Location independent studying, interactive content, quick and accurate feedbacks, there are so many reasons that make AI a useful educational resource.

Educational programs powered by AI are already helping students to learn basic skills, but as these programs will upgrade and as developers will learn more, they will likely offer students a much wider and effective range of services.

Whatever you think of Artificial Intelligence, there is no denying to the fact that it is the future of education. Both intelligently coded AI and humans can together transform education, making it even more compelling for both students and educators around the globe.

Author Bio

Saun is an educator and programming expert. He has over 10 years’ experience. Saun Likes to travel in his free time.


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